School and socio-educational services

The school is progressively a target beneficiary of proposals oriented towards the redefinition of the traditional didactic model, mainly based on frontal lessons and disciplinary contents, in favour of experimental and innovative pedagogical practices.
Interventions tackling school abandon, supporting teachers training, promoting laboratory education (learning units, flipped classrooms, cooperative learning, role playing, E.A.S., etc) or the use of new technologies (digital learning, video-lessons, podcasts) are officially integrated in the educational offer of many schools.
This type of experimental, innovative practices should require an inquiry process guiding teachers and principals to the identifications of elements of efficacy, as well as their potential in promoting school wellbeing and educational performances.
Schools, training institutes and networks are supported through:
– the reconstruction of the intervention framework, also for accounting purposes, based on the homogenization of the data collection systems;
– the evaluation of the intervention results (didactic efficacy, acquisition of new competences, students wellbeing, school performance, etc.) which might also be based on counterfactual methods;
– the identification of efficient features and obstacles to the intervention;
– the longitudinal analysis of the educational path and progresses of beneficiaries;
– the redefinition of the project design in cooperation with teachers and school principals.

(Italiano) Comune di Milano

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(Italiano) Impresa Sociale Con i Bambini e Fondazione di Comunità Milano

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. “PONTI – Pari Opportunità Nelle Traiettorie di Istruzione” è un progetto di…

(Italiano) Cooperativa Sociale Stripes

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(Italiano) Associazione Rondine Cittadella della Pace

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. ‘Sezione Rondine’ è un progetto promosso da Associazione Rondine Cittadella della Pace…

(Italiano) ICEI - Istituto di Cooperazione Economica Internazionale

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(Italiano) Associazione Lavoro e Integrazione

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(Italiano) Con i Bambini

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(Italiano) Istituto OIKOS

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(Italiano) Comune di Milano

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(Italiano) ABCittà

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