The definition of a solid monitoring and evaluation system is a determinant factor for the approval of project proposals under European funds, as well as a requirement for an efficient management process. Istituto Italiano di Valutazione, with a long run experience in European projects evaluation, is a qualified and reliable partner for an exhaustive support to the realization of transnational project, from the proposal design to the reporting phase. Specifically, our activity within a EU project partnership is focused on: - building the evaluation design (before or immediately after the project approval); - applying monitoring devices such as the Results […]
Community Welfare, which is today predominant in the Social Policy debate, is referred to that group of politics and projects that wish to overcome the traditional “user-provider” scheme, in favour of an increased promotion of the community resources (persons, families, social private, but also enterprises, professional organizations, foundations) in the design and management of interventions. A great impulse for the diffusion of community welfare systems in Lombardia region was offered by the Fondazione Cariplo program “Welfare di Comunità e Innovazione Sociale”, which in its four editions granted financial support to dozens of projects, contributing to a substantial innovation in the […]
The school is progressively a target beneficiary of proposals oriented towards the redefinition of the traditional didactic model, mainly based on frontal lessons and disciplinary contents, in favour of experimental and innovative pedagogical practices. Interventions tackling school abandon, supporting teachers training, promoting laboratory education (learning units, flipped classrooms, cooperative learning, role playing, E.A.S., etc) or the use of new technologies (digital learning, video-lessons, podcasts) are officially integrated in the educational offer of many schools. This type of experimental, innovative practices should require an inquiry process guiding teachers and principals to the identifications of elements of efficacy, as well as their […]
Over the last years projects and interventions targeting more inclusive conditions for people - or groups of population - in the work environment, in school and in the local community have been increasing, also due to the allocation of specific national and European funds on the issue. These projects mainly deal with educational poverty, social and work inclusion for people with disabilities or living in precarious conditions (substances addiction, conviction, other) and with migration and integration policies. Most of the times such interventions do not envisage a proper evaluation plan, which guarantees the possibility to verify impact and efficacy of […]
The issues of the performance quality and of the centrality of the citizen recently acquired particular importance within the process of transformation and modernization of the Public Administration, also because they are identified as strategic resources to evaluate the respondence to the service supply in relation to the users’ needs. The supply of public services, such as social and care services (home care, residential care, service for minors, receiving communities) or free time and individual services (childhood recreation services, youth aggregation centers, school canteens, elderly animation activities) can resort to evaluation strategies in order to verify the quality of the […]
Training and education activities are a dynamic process addressed to, potentially, increase knowledge and expertise of the learners, along with an ongoing improvement of their professional performance. The evaluation activity has an important role in this process because it allows to examine the satisfaction of the participants, the amount of knowledge and new competences acquired, the transferability of the training and educational practices and their impact on the organizations. Istituto Italiano di valutazione offers its long run experience in training and job placement projects to support the lead organizations in realizing evaluation activities targeting: - training needs of participants; - […]
Validation of experiential learning is based on the identification, accreditation and certification of acquired abilities in formal and informal contexts. These procedures have raised interest in recent years in trainers, researchers and coordinators of training service from different countries. Since half 90s, the European Union established a common framework for the development of training practices by attributing equal dignity to formal and informal practices compared to traditional training systems. The Lisbon Treaty also encourages the diffusion of validated and recognized systems for the assessment of acquired competences. Most of the EU Countries have adopted these directives and develop models for […]
Istituto Italiano di Valutazione also releases training intervention on the evaluation issues addressed to public authorities and third sector organizations. The training program might be prepared with the client, according to specific training needs, and can be organized as daily courses or more articulated programs. Training programs offer a detailed insight on the evaluation issues and are meant to provide theoretical orientation, guidelines on methods and practical application for the design and management of monitoring and evaluation plans. Training courses are based on a participative approach, participants are actively engaged in the learning process and analysis of concepts and practices, […]